

Non Sequiturs: 02.03.19

* How have personnel changes at the Supreme Court affected the dynamics at oral argument? Adam Feldman offers this analysis. [Empirical SCOTUS] * Ed Whelan expresses relief over the White House's new slate of Ninth Circuit nominations. [Bench Memos / National Review] * Can President Trump declare a "national emergency" in order to build his beloved wall? The National Emergencies Act is not a blank check, according to Brianne Gorod. [Take Care] * Should Congress pass a "deepfakes" law? Orin Kerr has some concerns. [Volokh Conspiracy / Reason] * What's going on with Rudy Giuliani? Joel Cohen has a theory. [The Hill] * Jean O'Grady is pleased to see all the competition in the legal analytics space (with Precedent Analytics from Thomson Reuters as the newest entrant) -- but she'd like to see more support for the competing claims of the different products. [Dewey B Strategic] * News organizations need stricter and better guidelines when interviewing mentally ill defendants, according to former public defender Stephen Cooper. [The Tennessean] * Have questions about the fast-approaching February bar exam? Ashley Heidemann has answers. [JD Advising]


Non-Sequiturs: 06.03.18

* Which lawyers and law firms scored the most SCOTUS arguments this Term? Adam Feldman has the tally. [Empirical SCOTUS] * And speaking of the Supreme Court, what can lawyers learn from linguists about Heller and the Second Amendment? [LAWnLinguistics] * Adam Kolber discusses the phenomenon of "judicial bulls**t" -- and wonders whether the justices would fail Philosophy 101. [Daily Journal via PrawfsBlawg] * Are Justice Neil Gorsuch's long-winded concurrences contributing to the Supreme Court slowdown this Term? Andrew Hamm crunches some numbers. [SCOTUSblog] * Many of the major precedents in the school free-speech context feature liberal students -- but conservative kids can play this game too. [Volokh Conspiracy / Reason] * Lex Machina's latest foray into litigation analytics covers the world of trade secrets. [Dewey B Strategic] * Relativity: not just for ediscovery anymore. [Artificial Lawyer]