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Lex Machina’s Outcome Analytics stand apart in enabling you to make confident, data-driven decisions in varied areas of your practice. Here’s how.
Lex Machina’s Outcome Analytics stand apart in enabling you to make confident, data-driven decisions in varied areas of your practice. Here’s how.
We discuss the company’s work in the 5G space and the revolutionary potential of such emerging technologies on the legal industry.
LexisNexis’ ‘multi-doc’ feature for Automated Templates will add new efficiencies to your practice. Here’s how.
In-house professionals can use analytics to plan better in a legal landscape that is more competitive than ever.
Franchise lawyers can use analytics to plan better in a legal landscape that is more competitive than ever.
Context is the legal industry’s only case-law language analytics tool.
* How have personnel changes at the Supreme Court affected the dynamics at oral argument? Adam Feldman offers this analysis. [Empirical SCOTUS] * Ed Whelan expresses relief over the White House's new slate of Ninth Circuit nominations. [Bench Memos / National Review] * Can President Trump declare a "national emergency" in order to build his beloved wall? The National Emergencies Act is not a blank check, according to Brianne Gorod. [Take Care] * Should Congress pass a "deepfakes" law? Orin Kerr has some concerns. [Volokh Conspiracy / Reason] * What's going on with Rudy Giuliani? Joel Cohen has a theory. [The Hill] * Jean O'Grady is pleased to see all the competition in the legal analytics space (with Precedent Analytics from Thomson Reuters as the newest entrant) -- but she'd like to see more support for the competing claims of the different products. [Dewey B Strategic] * News organizations need stricter and better guidelines when interviewing mentally ill defendants, according to former public defender Stephen Cooper. [The Tennessean] * Have questions about the fast-approaching February bar exam? Ashley Heidemann has answers. [JD Advising]
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Catching up with the Diffusion Curve: Identifying hot technologies along the curve of adoption.
From training to technology, uncover the essential steps to futureproof your law firm in a competitive market.
Sometimes it's not all about winning and losing. Hopefully data analytics won't allow us to lose sight of that.
* Which lawyers and law firms scored the most SCOTUS arguments this Term? Adam Feldman has the tally. [Empirical SCOTUS] * And speaking of the Supreme Court, what can lawyers learn from linguists about Heller and the Second Amendment? [LAWnLinguistics] * Adam Kolber discusses the phenomenon of "judicial bulls**t" -- and wonders whether the justices would fail Philosophy 101. [Daily Journal via PrawfsBlawg] * Are Justice Neil Gorsuch's long-winded concurrences contributing to the Supreme Court slowdown this Term? Andrew Hamm crunches some numbers. [SCOTUSblog] * Many of the major precedents in the school free-speech context feature liberal students -- but conservative kids can play this game too. [Volokh Conspiracy / Reason] * Lex Machina's latest foray into litigation analytics covers the world of trade secrets. [Dewey B Strategic] * Relativity: not just for ediscovery anymore. [Artificial Lawyer]
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Data drives decisions in business -- and the same is true in the discovery of ESI.